If you have upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7 or 8 using the digital entitlement free upgrade scheme, your system is automatically assigned a generic key during upgrade. When you use tools like ProduKey, MagicalJellyBean Keyfinder or a custom script to view the product key, only the generic key is shown and not the key from your previous. Windows 10 home product key. Windows 10 Education. Windows 10 Pro Serial Key/Windows 10 Professional Product Key Generator. How to activate windows 10 product key. If your Windows 10 s not activated you can check it from going it to the This PC or My. Windows Product Key Viewer is a free utility that will display the installed Windows Product Key (cd key) and other important Windows system information. Our Windows Product Key Viewer works with all Windows operating systems (95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 2008, 10), 32-bit and 64-bit. Will Windows 10 Receive Windows Updates if It's Not Activated? Screenshot for Windows Key Viewer « AS SSD Benchmark 2.0.7316.34247 Windows Key Viewer Please Stand By 1.3 ».
By using Windows Key Viewer, the current computer product key can be easily determined. In some cases it is very important to know the product key, e.g. when reinstalling the computer.
Generally, the product key can be found on the Windows installation kit or on a label on the computer. This label often gets damaged and becomes illegible, and when using multiple computers, installation packages can get mixed up. That is when Windows Key Viewer becomes useful, as the product key can be easily displayed with it.
The Windows operating system stores the product key, but there is no possibility to display it directly as this data is encrypted. Windows Key Viewer can display the Windows Product key in its original format.
Advantages of Windows Key Viewer:
Windows 10 Product Key Auslesen
- Displays the Windows Product key in its original format
- Copies the Windows Product key to the clipboard
- Doesn't require installation or setup
- Free to use
- It supports Windows 7/8/10 operating systems
- Tested: Windows 10 November 2019 Update ready
Windows 7 Enterprise 32-bit
Windows 8.1 Enterprise 32-bit
Often times, we need to reinstall windows, and we require product key for activation. But starting from Windows 8, manufacturers don't provide the product key sticker on the back of laptop instead they are embedding on your motherboard. Today I will show you guys how to extract the product key from your genuine windows laptop. The software that we are going to use is called RWEverything
Windows 10 Product Key Auslesen Powershell
WARNING: This software allows you to modify hardware settings, this may damage your system if something goes wrong. Author will not take any responsibility about that, you are on your own risk.
The laptop for demonstration, we are using is a Dell Laptop. I have only tested on dell laptops, haven't checked the other. Though it should work fine.
Download the Software :
32 bit http://rweverything.com/downloads/RwPortableV1.6.8.3.zip
64 bit http://rweverything.com/downloads/RwPortableX64V1.6.8.3.zip
The file is nearly 4 mb in size, once you downloaded it, open the folder. Since this a portable version, there is no need of installing. Open the Rw.exe
Now under ACPI table Window, go to MSDM tab
So there you have your product key in front of the DATA.
This tool comes in handy when ever you are formatting your whole laptop and you need your product key. Though you can also use other softwares like product key etc., but they will extract the product key from your installed OS and not from motherboard. If your laptop is not reinstalled with any other OS then you can go with the other apps. But if you have, for some reasons, installed other OS say ubuntu and had wiped the entire windows OS, then this tool comes in handy when you are installing windows. Do note that, other than finding the product key, this software is very powerful in extracting the motherboard details. It will also allow to edit too. So be careful while messing with other details.
A Engineering grad, who is in love with windows, and loves to write about it!